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Join date: Aug 6, 2023


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Hello friend,

My name is Joshua Peter Loper. I have a passion for history. I currently am the Executive Director of the Delaware Military Heritage and Education Foundation, and the Delaware Military Museum is a part. I am also a proud family man, historian, published author, educator, and historical presenter/lecturer. In my free time, I enjoy historic miniature wargaming, the George Washington Witness Tree of Delaware, and tea.

I have the honor to be a member of the Dutch Patroon Society, Society of the French and Indian War, Sons of the American Revolution, United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada, Sons of Hessian Veterans of the American Revolution, War of 1812 Society of New Jersey, Napoleonic Wars Society of Delaware, Descendants of Mexican War Veterans, Sons of Union Veterans, Sons Spanish American War Veterans, Order of the First World War, Order of the Second World War, Military Order of the World Wars, Cumberland County Historical Society, Association of Lighthouse Keepers... Can you tell I love history?

I hope you can come to the Delaware Military Museum soon to see the wonderful exhibits, hear the amazing stories of past and current generations of Delawareans who proudly served our country, and attend our great monthly lecture series at the museum.

Historian Joshua Peter Loper and Future Historian Elizabeth Rebecca Loper at the George Washington Witness Tree of Delaware, Easter Sunday 2023.

Mr. Joshua Peter Loper and Mrs. Melanie Kathleen Loper before giving a lecture on the monitors build in Delaware during the American Civil War.


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