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Yearly Membership Drive

Hello friends, members, and supporters of the Delaware Military Heritage and Education Foundation/Delaware Military Museum. We now have the ability to accept electronic payments on our website for credit/debit cards. The online payments are processed by Helcim Merchant Services of Alberta, Canada. They are a very safe, effective, and don't charge a large amount of fees to the foundation/museum for processing the payments. Meaning, more of your membership or donation will be used to preserve the state of Delaware's amazing military history.

Now that this electronic payment option is ready to be used, we are ready for...

The Delaware Military Museum's Yearly Membership and Donation Drive! This drive is not only meant to "keep the lights on," but also to help "spread the word and history" of the Great State of Delaware. This is to officially announce soon in the mail, and by email, you will receive the donation drive packet.

Keeping the lights on... Like all museums, we have bills... From maintenance, museum operations, payroll, guest speakers, presentations, even the water, soda, coffee, and tea we offer during the General Duncan Memorial Lecture Programs. I won't bore you with all the details, but it costs money to run a museum, even if it is a 501c3. Most museums have a large endowment, and corporate donors. Currently, we do not have any of those things. We are working on this, but right now we need your support.

Spreading the word and history... It is not easy. The First State of Delaware has a long tradition of gallant service heeding the call of the United States. We have been contacted by Schools, Historical Organizations/Societies, State and National Parks, Veterans Organizations, etc. The Foundation and Museum love sharing this history, but that costs money, too. Most fairs and historical events require us to pay them to set up a display to make their event better. I know this causes many questions to come to mind, but frankly, that is the way it works. The events and venues that don't require us to pay... still require us to drive to them to set up or other associated costs. That still costs money. We have received requests from venues/events to put up displays and speakers that we just simply cannot afford to go to. We have received requests from Washington State to Savannah, Georgia, just to name a few. We have even received requests from Canada, Great Britian, and France. Luckily, Zoom has been working out for the overseas presentations. We do what we can, but gas for the car is expensive. Also, moving artifacts for temporary display has its costs as well. We receive many requests to put on temporary displays with specific artifacts or paintings. These have to be boxed up/crated as per museum standards for their protection in moving the artifacts to and from the display. These materials to protect the artifacts cost money.

How can you help? Click on the link above to donate, click on the link to become a member if you aren't one already, and tell your friends.

More to come in the membership drive!

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